Incommunicado & The Solar Eclipse In Pisces

solar-eclipseI have been out of touch for sometime now. My mother suffered yet another stroke the end of June last year and that has taken up a great deal of my life as her primary caregiver. Then ON THE DAY OF THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES MARCH 8, my mom fell and broke her arm! What?! On top of that, my sister was having heart valve surgery and was in the hospital when I took mom into emergency with her broken shoulder!! Needless to say, you can see my hands have been sooooo full, as the help I would have had with mom from my sisters was redirected, so very little support during this most challenging year.

Today as I’m writing to you, my sister is mostly recovered but still somewhat weak. My mom has gone through all her physical therapy and is now going to the gym with me! She is still unsteady and walks with a cane but at 85 is able to go to the gym and do her own workout! Mom has LIFE ALERT too so if she falls again, someone will know right away and she won’t have to suffer lying on the floor in extreme pain and helplessness…
I am still experiencing a heavy work and home/family load, but have had much support from loving friends, Sally Taft, Dave Beech and Heather Gold, as they come by and help me manage my landscaping, gardening, organize my library, my paperwork/files, organize my mom’s jewelry business, help with advertising and media for my practice, and support with new creative ideas navigating my environment. So much appreciation for my angel friends, such giving souls!
A huge bow to Lucia Massarella, my Web Goddess, who has redone my website and helped me with this newsletter/blog and everything involved with making my Internet presence more definable! What a gift and treasure she is! I don’t know what I did to deserve such selfless service and on-going assistance, but I am deeply, deeply grateful.