~ Greetings Everyone ~
I’m sure many of us are experiencing an enormous sigh of relief as we leave behind one of the most difficult years in our history. So many opportunities for transformation and change, many coming in shocking and unexpected ways. Some of us are still reeling from this summer and the trauma that challenged our resolve to the core of our beings.
Now we are strengthened as we have seen that the fortitude within ourselves and our community has provided significant support and help in our season of crisis.
These trying times have given us a greater determination to live our deepest truth and question our core beliefs and values. We are looking at our social, educational, parental, and political conditioning. What we have been told to believe is true may be greatly challenged now. We may be needing more research and study to ferret out a clearer understanding of “reality.”
May this next year, 2019, serve to expand the concept of yourself and what you are capable of being and achieving.
May our hearts stay light and strong as we traverse the peaks and valleys on our evolutionary journey.

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Class
@ Gratitude Center in Red Bluff
(See The Gratitude Center — North State on Facebook)
407 Walnut St. above The Gold Exchange
January 13, Sunday
2:30-4:30 PM.
$25.00 with astrology chart
$31.00 if you need a chart
I am going to be speaking on the themes activated by the partial solar eclipse that will occur on January 5, 2019, at 15 degrees of Capricorn. This partial eclipse will most specifically affect people born with personal planets that are 10 to 20 degrees of the Cardinal signs
(Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).
It will, of course, influence all of us collectively in some specific area of our life.
I will be explaining in detail how these energies will be affecting you personally.
RSVP is required to attend as
handouts and charts need to be prepared ahead of time.
To fill out the astrology form with all your information link to:
To prepay go here:
All are welcome, the class is geared to anyone with or without a background in the study of astrology.
If you are unable to attend, consider a 20 minute reading over the phone on the material covered in class for $35.00 (not recorded)
a 1/2 hour reading recorded over the phone or in person for $55.00.
See you there!
~ Happy Trails My Fellow Mystic Travelers ~
Love and Hugs, Kristin