Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Class, January 2019

~ Greetings Everyone ~ I’m sure many of us are experiencing an enormous sigh of relief as we leave behind one of the most difficult years in our history. So many opportunities for transformation and change, many coming in shocking and unexpected ways. Some of us are still reeling from this summer and the trauma that challenged our resolve to the core of our beings. Now we are strengthened as we have seen that the Continue Reading →

Classes and Events for May and June 2018!

Hi Everyone ~~ It’s been a long time with lots of changes going on over in my sector of the universe! I’m sure you all have had some too! My mom has moved out of the house and is now in an independent living facility and quite happily making new friends. She misses my company and food, which is funny because I am not the greatest cook in the world! It has taken up most Continue Reading →

Solar Eclipse in Leo and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Class

Thursday, August 17. 6:30-8:30 PM. My Place (email for directions) $25.00 This is a HUGE activation as this total eclipse is the first in 26 years to span the entire United States! That means those places the eclipse shadow touches will be the most activated with the energies of this historical event. It will begin in the ocean off Oregon and just north of Newport the moons shadow will touch land at about 10:15 AM. Continue Reading →

New Moon in Capricorn with Mercury Retrograde Class

🎄Greetings my friends🎄 Again, it has been awhile since we have connected.  It has been an intense time for us on all levels; health, home and family, neighborhood relations, creativity, community, finances, personal intimate relationships and friendships.  All aspects of our lives have required significant shifts and we are all adjusting to the economic and political environment, creating some deep changes within our psyche and world. I am unable to go through all the planetary Continue Reading →